
Halloween At The Garden

At the Children’s Garden, we celebrate Halloween in a low-key manner.  The emphasis will be on ‘fun’ not ‘scary’ while the children participate in some of our traditions such as apple ring on a string, pumpkin coloring and the children will have the opportunity to paint their own faces.

Children are welcome to wear a simple costume to school.

We ask that their costumes have ease of movement for classroom activities and being on the playground.

Please label your child’s costume and any accessories.
Sometimes a child will wear part of his-her costume or start out with the whole thing and then put some of it away in a labeled paper bag for safekeeping. 

please, no weapons at school – guns, swords, etc …

Classes will be celebrating on:

Wednesday, October 30

Thursday, October 31
Ladybugs and Honeybees

Thank you Carpinito Brothers for donating pumpkins for each student to color and take home!