World Culture Report

World Culture Report image

Table of Contents

Cultural Exposure

In a world that is so rich with traditions, flora and fauna, architecture, and natural beauty The Children’s Garden feels that it is extremely beneficial to introduce our world’s different cultures to our students.  The more that people realize we as people are more similar than different, the better our world will be to live in.  It is important to celebrate all the differences between countries and people in our world. Beginning appreciation and respect for different peoples and cultures is an important part of The  Children’s Garden curriculum.  We feel Children, families, and teachers have the opportunity to learn from each other.

The Children’s Garden celebrates our worlds cultures in many different ways.  First, we honor each traditional celebration in all cultures of the world.  We invite our families who celebrate a tradition from their family to share it with our students at school.  For example, we have had families share Hanukkah, St. Lucia, Chine, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Passover, Kwanza, and more.  The children enjoy learning about how other children around the world explore family life, arts and culture, customs and festivals.

Another way that The Children’s Garden embraces world cultures is by having each student in the Honeybee class present a World Culture Report at the end of the year.  They get to choose any country in the world and then research facts such as geographical specialties, architecture structures, holiday traditions, education, foods, music, arts, currency, government, and more.   It has been a highlight of the Honeybee year to see the confidence that each child has grown as they stand in front of their peers and teachers and give a fun and interesting report.

The world is becoming increasingly diverse and includes people for many religions, languages, economic groups and other cultural differences. It is clear that in order to build communities of love and respect we need to understand and appreciate many cultures around the world.

Important Dates

We kick off World Culture Reports in February with a couple weeks for children to choose and learn about the country they’d like to report on before scheduling presentations in March.

Look for a list of important dates in the next couple of weeks.

In the next few weeks we will be embarking on World Culture Studies in class. Each student will have the opportunity to choose a country, research information and give an oral presentation to the class.

Some dates to remember:

February 15 – March 10
Children will choose their country and prepare for travel (Passports, Visa, and Packing Bags)

March 11-28
Daily class World Culture Report presentations.

April 1 at 3pm
World Culture Fair



Each spring we embark on World Culture Studies in our Honeybee class. Students have the opportunity to choose a country, research information and give an oral presentation to their class. 
Children will choose their country and prepare for travel (Passports, Visa, and Packing Bags), and sign up for a date to present on our online sign up.
We would like you to help them research for this online or at the library. If you happen to have additional information; books, music, artifacts, &/or food items from the country, it would be fine to send them to school in a well labeled bag on the day of their report.
Children enjoy making a poster board to share and it can help cue them as to what they want to talk about. It can include a flag (child made) from the country, pictures of traditional clothing, typical homes, pictures of animals, plants, architecture from the country.
We would like your child to do a short oral presentation telling us about family life in their chosen country.
The goals here are to learn about research, oral presentation and the similarities and differences in world family life. (love, housekeeping, health, education concerns, weather, terrain, work, leisure/fun, food, pets etc.) 
Notes to Parents
Please read and re-read the material we send or other material of your choosing, aloud to your child or do the research together at the library or on line.
Find the country on a world map and globe – we’d like the child to be able to locate his/her country on both as we’ll learn the name of the continent the country is located in. 
  • How would we travel there from Issaquah? 
  • What is the weather like? How do the people dress? 
  • What do the people do for work there? 
  • Try to include a song, dance, or game that the class can try. It’s great to have a little activity to break up the sitting time. A food or artifact from the culture is also great to share.
We’ll talk to the children and you can too about speaking in a clear, strong voice. Please practice with them to point at their board to pictures, but to turn to speak to the class. 
Each child will lead a question/answer period after his/her talk regarding the information. 
The classmates will give verbal constructive feedback on presentation skills (“I liked how you showed us pictures” I liked how you spoke in a clear, strong voice.”) 
We will video your child’s report and send you the link to view.
Our expectation is that every child will take this on. The shyer children gain confidence as they watch day by day and experience the safe support of their teachers and classmates. 
Check with staff if you need help finding materials.

Sample Reports

Fascinating facts, a captivating story all topped off with a spontaneous all class River Dance!  Alum, Porter, inspired our Honeybees with an encore presentation of the report she gave her Honeybee year. 

Watch alums Penelope and Declan give their World Culture Report their Honeybee year.

World Culture Fair

Our World Culture Fair will be held after presentations are complete in Spring 2025-Date TBD

Student World Culture Report Display boards will be set up and you’ll have the opportunity visit with each student as we celebrate the completion of this fabulous unit!