~ Bulletin Board ~
Events, opportunities and resources for our Garden community.
Long time Garden friend, Nigel Cooper, will be at the school to take class and student pictures next week.
Tuesday, October 3
Ladybugs and Honeybees
Wednesday, October 4
Order forms were sent home via kidmail. For more information or to print out additional order forms visit our Picture Day page.
Here at The Garden, we understand the importance of working with children at an early age as much of their IQ is developed by the age of 4 and personality is predictable by age 5. We often say who you are at 6 is who you are at 60. So much rapid growth occurs in these early years and an appropriate environment at this stage of growth is important for optimum development. The Children’s Garden program provides a developmentally appropriate curriculum based in social and emotional development taught in ways that honor and nurture children’s developmental needs and strengths to encourage competent and well-developed children.
Visit our Curriculum page to see how we engage children and provide them with space to integrate their learning and play.
What if my child has COVID like symptoms?
My child has an ongoing cough,
can they come to school?
What are The Children’s Garden School’s Health & Wellness Safety Practices?
For answers to these questions and information about our health and wellness policies please visit our
Health and Wellness Page.
~ The Mousehole~
Can you believe that we are at the end of our first month of the school year? September is always a month of beginnings – new school year, new friends, new classmates, new challenges, and new achievements. The students are doing such a great job, becoming familiar with their routines and the parents are also doing a great job, developing their own goodbye and pick up routines. Thank you so much for listening to the staff as they suggest options to make these transitions easier. The staff has spent the first month learning about the students, helping them use their words to play and share and make friends, and we are so looking forward to chatting with you all about your kiddos at our fall check-ins next month. Thank you all for signing up for those check ins. Please don’t hesitate to bring any concerns and questions that you might have in the meantime to the staff. We always try to respond in a timely manner.
We have noticed that several of our students do not have a spare set of clothes in their cubbies. When the children play with the pulley system over the bridge with the water from the creek, they have been getting pretty wet. We would love to be able to help them all feel comfortable and warm as the seasons change. Speaking of changing seasons, we are seeing a lot more gloves, rain suits, rain pants and rain hats. Please remember to label them all with your child’s name.
All three of our classes have started to talk about salmon. We have moved on from apples to our next autumnal theme in preparation of Issaquah’s returning celebrities. We hope you have all had a chance to take your kiddo to the salmon hatchery. It’s nice to have time to watch the fish without the crowds of Salmon Days. What a treat it is to have our hometown be the host of such an amazing species! We love teaching the children about these wonderful creatures through songs, poems and acting out the lifecycle of the salmon. We also have a Garden alum dad who is also a F.I.S.H. volunteer who comes to our Cricket and Honeybee classes to talk more in depth about the lifecycle of the salmon. We will let you know details of this as we get closer to the visit.
Picture days are next week with our Garden friend, Nigel. Nigel has an amazing way with his camera that finds beautiful smiling pictures of all our students. If you have a timid or camera-shy child, or even if you have a natural camera poser, we would love to have your assistance. Let us know if you can spend a few minutes at drop off on picture day to help the process go more smoothly. Feel free to dress your child in their fancy clothes if you would like. We make a point of not putting paints out or spending a lot of time in the mud on picture days!
Tonight is the night! We hope you can all join us for our annual Homecoming celebration! Homecoming is a great way to visit with your new community and meet some alums and returning community. This year is especially special, as we are honoring our founder, Bonnie, on her 80th birthday! “80 for our founding lady!” There are going to be lots of alums and returning staff, coming to pay tribute to this amazing woman and the program that she started. Do you know that in the 46 years that The Children’s Garden has been around, we have only had 5 full time teachers?! We love this program and everyone that comes to work at The Garden has decided that it is the only place to be! What an amazing program!
Hope to see you all tonight, and have a great weekend!
~ Office Notes~
School Directory
We will be sending out a hard copy and link to digital copy of the School Directory next week.
We use the information you provide in Brightwheel to create our directory. Please visit your student’s profile in Brightwheel this weekend and be sure your address, email and phone numbers are all up to date. The office will print out the directory the next week.
~ Gratitude Corner~
Hurray hurray, hurray, hurray, we love celebrating Garden birthdays!
Birthday Circles are a lovely Garden tradition. Family members an join the fun as children sit in the birthday chair under a personalized banner “signed” by their classmates. Parsley Flakes (our unicorn birthday friend) visits and always has a beautiful birthday crown to place on their head. There is music, singing and birthday wishes as each child is appreciated and celebrated.
We are so appreciative of our community for making these events so special. Thank you to our room parents for coordinating the birthday circle schedules for each class! Thank you to our birthday parents who have been giving out such great treats that are non-allergenic and so much fun! Thank you to Lisa Reinitz for fixing the crown on our birthday chair!
~ Calendar~
Please mark your calendar with these important dates.
Homecoming is Tonight!
(Adult only event)
Friday, September 29
5:30 – 9:30 pm
Trinity Tree Farm
Daily Class Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday 8:15 – 10:45 am
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:15 – 11:15 am
Monday-Thursday 12:15 – 3:15 pm
September 29: Homecoming 5:30 pm at Trinity Tree Farm (adults only event)
October 3: Ladybug School Pictures during class time.
October 3: Honeybee School Pictures during class time.
October 4: Cricket School Pictures during class time.
October 20: All Class Pumpkin Patch-Carpinito Brothers
October 30: Cricket Halloween celebration during class.
October 31: Honeybee Halloween celebration during class
November 16: Honeybee Harvest Feast during class time
November 17: Cricket Harvest Feast during class time
November 22-24 Thanksgiving Break (no school for students and staff)
~ Poems~
School Poems
Part of our daily routine at The Garden is singing or saying a few of our traditional poems.
Find a printable version to our Closing Circle Song, and the poem “We Light This Candle” at the following links.