~ Bulletin Board ~
Events, opportunities and resources for our Garden community.

Save the Date!
Winter Celebration
Friday, December 8
6:30-7:30 pm
For details, directions and sign ups for helper elves, please visit our Winter Celebration page.

Harvest Feast
Our Cricket and Honeybee classes will have a Harvest Feast. During this celebration the children have a special circle time and say what they are thankful for. We invite parents to JOIN US for the last hour of class for this lovely tradition.
Honeybee Harvest Feast
November 16, 2:15-3:15 pm
Cricket Harvest Feast
November 17, 10:15-11:15 am
Sign up to bring a menu item and get more Harvest Feast info on our Harvest Feast Page.

Village Keepsake
Requests due by November 17
It takes a village to raise a child. We are so thankful to our families for including The Children’s Garden in your village. The gift of having your family and child at The Garden is precious to us.
At this time of giving, we like to share the love we receive through our tradition of sending the gift of a staff made decorative hanging keepsake, personalized with your child’s photo, to someone in your village.
Please visit our Village Keepsake page for more information and link to request one for someone special in your village.

Our long-time photographer friend Nigel Cooper sent out emails to everyone who ordered pictures.
If your child was not here on Picture Day or if you’d like to retake their picture join us:
Monday, November 27
You are welcome to stop in anytime during his Picture Retake time.

Curriculum Days
Come discover exactly what your child experiences in a day at the Children’s Garden.
Teachers will hold a Curriculum Day for parents the last hour your child is in class on the following dates:
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Crickets: 10:15-11:15 am
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Ladybugs: 9:45-10:45 am
Honeybees: 2:15-3:15 pm
Older/younger garden student siblings are welcome to play on the playground with their sibling during curriculum time.
~ The Mousehole~
What a fun week we’ve had here at The Garden!
Keep dressing your kiddos in layers, labelled, and help them keep their hands and toes warm. Click the link here for information about clothing items that our families have recommended, and check out the recommendations for rechargeable hand warmers.
Brin has started creating our “Village Gifts”. It’s hard to believe that we are already talking about our memorable
Winter Celebration Event. December 8th! Mark it on your calendar now. Such a memorable event every year!
We had fun this week finishing our first art show project of a beautiful autumnal tree. We started talking about things that we are thankful for and made some handprint turkeys! Next week, we will begin to learn our dance that we will be performing at the Winter Celebration on December 8th at Issaquah Middle School. Our Bugs are really starting to chat with each other and use their names.
We finished our Art Show project. On Wednesday, we started talking about our “Body Rights Curriculum”. We read a story called “Don’t Hug Doug”, a little boy who is friendly, but doesn’t like hugs. We talked about alternatives, high fives, fist bumps, hand shakes, etc., that we can greet people with instead of hugs. We should always ask someone if we can hug them, and if the answer is no, we know that this doesn’t mean that they don’t like us. This week, we started using “Cricket Comrades”. We pair the children up for a week at a time and they do some fun activities with that partner and sit with them at snack. For our shyer kids, this is sometimes a boost to begin a new friendship with someone that they might otherwise be struggling with figuring out how to invite themselves to play. One of our first activities that we did was practice some different ‘high fives’, and then we painted some pattern snakes. We are working on making our placemats for next week’s Harvest Feast, and painted some beautiful paintings at the easel! We talked about what we are thankful for, and we are indeed thankful for our Veterans whom we honor on Friday for Veteran’s Day.
We have had such an amazing week with these Bees! We learned a new word, “No” and then read it repeatedly as we recited our poem “November”. On Tuesday, we had alum mom, Joy Lewis, come into class to teach us all about how to vote and how to make our voices heard. We held a fun vote on which poem to learn next and, drumroll…..,Whiskey Frisky Squirrel is the winner! We had a few big kid helpers this week and started working with our pattern blocks to make some turkeys and patterned borders for our Harvest Feast placemats. Emily took the Bees up to Luna’s Forest in groups to search for and observe the colorful fungi. Our theme for these next few weeks is Gratitude and we are having a circle each day where we each say what we are thankful for and then ask our circle neighbor what they are thankful for.
Next week, along with our focus on gratitude and our Harvest Feast for our older students, we begin learning our dances for our beloved Winter Celebration.
Have a wonderful weekend, Garden Friends!
~ Gratitude Corner~
Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to protecting our rights and keeping us safe.
Thank you to alum parent Joy Lewis for teaching us about how to vote and make our voices heard!
~ Calendar~

Please mark your calendar with these important dates.
November 10: Veterans Day Observance-no school
November 16: Honeybee Harvest Feast during class time
November 17: Cricket Harvest Feast during class time
November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break (no school for students and staff)
November 29: Cricket Curriculum Day (last hour of class)
November 30: Ladybug and Honeybee Curriculum Day (last hour of class)
December 8: Winter Celebration 6:30-7:30pm Issaquah Middle School
December 18-January 1: Winter Break

Daily Class Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday 8:15 – 10:45 am
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:15 – 11:15 am
Monday-Thursday 12:15 – 3:15 pm
~ Poems~

School Poems
Part of our daily routine at The Garden is singing or saying a few of our traditional poems.
Find a printable version to our Closing Circle Song, and the poem “We Light This Candle” at the following links.