Bulletin Board
Events, opportunities and resources for our Garden community.

Last Day of School
Please join us 10 minutes before pickup on the last day of class to gather for a slideshow and final closing circle for the year.
Crickets-Monday, June 10
Honeybeess-Monday, June 10
Ladybugs-Tuesday, June 11
The Mousehole
We only had 4 school days this week, but we sure squeezed a lot into those days! The students were surprised to enter into the classroom and see that our butterflies had begun to ‘hatch’ out of their cocoons! We finished off the week setting Izzy, Tulip and Flappy free!
We made our own Honeybee, Cricket and Ladybugs with the students’ faces as their insect head, and each student made a necklace featuring their artwork of what they are going to be next year! Our Ladybugs made Cricket necklaces, our Cricket made Honeybee necklaces and our Honeybees made their Kindergarten School mascot necklaces.
On Thursday, we had two of our Ladybug students stay for “Lunch with Belleamie’’ was purchased at this year’s auction, and on Thursday afternoon, we had a Happy Hour of appreciation for our Outgoing and Incoming Room Parents at Cara’s house. We sure couldn’t do all that we do without all your support.
We’ve got one full week of school left and then our last sessions in each class as we prepare for our Honeybee Graduation on June 12th.
Read on for class news.
We had our feet painted in the Ladybug class this week as we are making a special gift for our dads. We also used our thumbprints to make some cute cricket necklaces. The children love doing the beading for these precious keepsakes.
We started to make our final nursery rhyme book, “Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly away Home”, and we made some cute ladybugs with our faces on them.
We had a sweet Garden alum help us out in the classroom on Tuesday morning, Janie, (our auctioneer’s daughter), and she showed her skill as a future educator as she calmly guided the kiddos through making cookies and unicorns with playdough and giving wonderful tire swing pushes.
We danced with our friends and did a circle dance to “We are the Dinosaurs”. We released our butterfly, “Tulip” to the wonderful outdoors on Thursday, and enjoyed a little bit of dry weather after a week of rain.
On Thursday afternoon, we had a Room Parent Appreciation Happy Hour at Cara’s home, and we showed our gratitude for our amazing Room Parents, Leah and Claudia. Thank you guys! What an amazing head start you provided the teachers and the Ladybug families to our Garden program!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
The Crickets only had two sessions this week, but we sure fit a lot in! We released our butterfly, “Flappy” to the great outdoors on Friday, and loved watching the butterflies hatch out of their cocoons on Wednesday. We fed them some yummy fruit and water to build up their strength.
We painted our feet as we are making a special gift for our Dads and/or Grandpas. We used our thumbprints to make some cute honeybee necklaces. The Crickets sure love doing bead stringing. We also showed off our cutting skills as we made some cute crickets with our own faces on them. Check out the antennae on those crickets!
We have been singing a new song at circle to the tune of “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and it talks about the body parts of insects – “Head, Thorax, Abdomen, and six legs!” We also danced to our new favorite Rocketship song. We hope to show it to you at our last closing circle.
Cara worked with the Crickets doing some simple math with rolling dice. You can see their work in their portfolios which they will be bringing home next week. Brook worked with the kids making some booklets about some of our favorite insects.
We haven’t had many opportunities to have some creek play with the chilly rainy weather, but hope the forecast is accurate and we get some sunny warm weather towards the end of next week. No matter the temperature, these Crickets love to play with the water from the rain barrel! Thanks for keeping your kiddos stocked with dry clothes.
On Thursday afternoon, we had a Room Parent Appreciation Happy Hour at Cara’s home, and we showed our gratitude for our amazing Room Parents, Jazz and Kristen. Thank you so much you guys! What an amazing year we have had with you both at the helm and keeping us organized! We sure love and appreciate you and look forward to next year with you and Marisa and Mary helping us get through the Honeybee year seamlessly!
On Friday, we celebrated Mason’s 4th trip around the sun and look forward to celebrating Lowen’s 4th birthday on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Oh! My goodness! What a fun 3 sessions we had this week! We were excited to see that our butterflies had started to hatch out of their cocoons, and we set “Izzy” free on Thursday to the great outdoors. To wait for dry weather, we put some sweet fruit into the net to help the butterflies build up their strength.
We have been singing a new song at circle to the tune of “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and it talks about the body parts of insects – “Head, Thorax, Abdomen, and six legs!” We all learned what our Kindergarten school mascot is and drew our own versions of the mascot on our new necklaces. When these kiddos graduate from the Honeybee class, they not only become Kindergarteners, but they will also become, Eagles, Sharks, Bobcats, Tigers, Rockets, Wolves and Cougars.
We also painted our feet these past few sessions as we work on a cute gift for our dads.
On Wednesday, we had an alum big kid helper, Abram, come into the class to help the teachers. Abram is our auctioneer, Lauren’s son and he loved getting back into his old preschool classroom and trying out the climbers and tire swing with his now 5th grade size! We also had alum Penelope come into the classroom for the final hour and final circle of the day. We typically have a Kindergartener alum student come in at this time of year to answer questions from the students about what Kindergarten is like, what is their favorite part of kindergarten, what is different from The Garden, etc. It is adorable to witness these sessions, and hopefully, it makes their transition a little smoother.
On Thursday afternoon, we had a Room parent Appreciation Happy Hour at Cara’s home, and we showed our gratitude for our amazing Room parents, Lauren and Joell. Thank you so much you guys! What an amazing year we have had with you both at the helm and keeping us organized! We sure love and appreciate you and hope you continue to schedule some summer play dates and family gatherings going forward.
Thanks to everyone, Honeybee families! Can’t believe that we have 6 more sessions before graduation!
Have a great weekend!

Gratitude Corner

Thank you to our amazing Room Parents!! You guys have kept everyone in the loop this whole school year and even through the summer! Thank you for setting up play dates, organizing the pumpkin patch field trip, being the messenger for important dates and details from the teachers to the families, scheduling birthday circles, keeping us aware of allergies and illnesses and thank you so much for stepping up and setting up community for all of our Gardeners. We couldn’t do this without you! Many, many thanks!

Honeybee Save the Dates!
As the end of the school year approaches, our bees are getting ready to graduate and celebrate!
Honeybee Roundup Friday, June 7 ~ 4-7 pm
This time honored tradition for Honeybee students gives your cow poke an evening at The Garden with their posse for one last class hurrah before graduation.
Honeybee Graduation
Wednesday, June 12 ~ 2-3 pm
Join us for this ‘moment in time’ where we honor you as a parent
and your special child in this ‘rite of passage’ from The Children’s Garden.
RSVP and get the details on our Honeybee Graduation page.

Camp Tree Circle Actions and Information
If you signed up for Camp Tree Circle, please visit our Camp Tree Circle page for information what to do before and during camp.
Please visit our Camp Tree Circle page for
- T-shirt size chart to let us know your child’s camp shirt size.
- Camp dates and times
- Payment info
- What to bring and wear to camp
Please mark your calendar with these important dates.
June 7, 4-7 pm: Honeybee Roundup
June 10: Crickets Last Day of School
June 10: Honeybees Last Day of School
June 11: Ladybugs Last Day of School
June 12, 2 pm Honeybee Graduation

Daily Class Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday 8:15 – 10:45 am
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:15 – 11:15 am
Monday-Thursday 12:15 – 3:15 pm
~ Poems~

School Poems
Part of our daily routine at The Garden is singing or saying a few of our traditional poems.
Find a printable version to our Closing Circle Song, and the poem “We Light This Candle” at the following links.