Bulletin Board
Events, opportunities and resources for our Garden community.

Movie Night at Teacher Donna’s
Wednesday, March 20
Crickets and Honeybees
Sign up opens Monday, March 11 at 9am
Teachers Cara and Donna are offering a movie night at Donna’s to the first 12 kiddos to sign up. This sweet memory is open to Honeybee and Crickets for a $75 donation per child.
Sign up opens Monday, March 11 at 9am

Top o’the mornin’ to ya!
Join us for this special “you and me” day
Thursday, March 14
Ladybugs 8:15-9:15 am
Honeybees 2:15-3:15 pm
Friday, March 15
Crickets: 8:15 am
You and your child will create an art project together, share a simple “duo trick” with the group and go on a Leprechaun gold hunt!
Traditionally, this day is shared with a special man in our children’s lives but is not gender specific and open to anyone. (One guest per child please).
We will spend time outside. Please dress for weather.
The Mousehole
Well, wasn’t that a fun week! We kicked off Monday celebrating Carnevale with Honeybee Ada and her Mum, Giulia. What a beautiful and colorful celebration! We are now preparing for our Leprechaun Day celebrations next week – We hope you all received your invitation to Leprechaun Day – this celebration is typically attended by a male figure of the family, and we look forward to seeing a ‘trick’ that you perform with your Garden student, and you all get to help your little preschooler find gold on the playground!
We so loved having Julie Spangler, alum mom and our Parent educator, be present for all three classes – Julie shared how these sessions are community building, finding out that all parents are dealing with similar challenges, and attendees are learning the same language and techniques that the teachers use at The Garden. Having all of us on the same page is such a helpful perk.
We had a wonderful Fundraising Committee gathering on Monday evening to brainstorm ideas for the Prom Auction, and it was so exciting to see the juices flowing and the excitement building! It is always lovely to have a gathering of Garden parents, no matter what the reason. The staff so love to watch the community building in action!
Ladybugs had a fun week finishing up our foot painting project where we prepped for our Egg Hunt in a few weeks. We continued to finalize our assessments for our Ladybug conferences next week, and we finished up our Spring decorations for the classroom. We read a cute book about Leprechauns, getting us ready for next week’s celebration, and we made our invitations for our Leprechaun Day celebrations. We know that the Ladybug Moms are meeting for brunch this Sunday at Jak’s and a few of the staff members are excited to join you! Parent Teacher Conferences are next Tuesday and Leprechaun Day is Thursday! Get your tricks ready!
We could not believe the hail that rained down on us on Monday on the playground! Cara called the pea sized hail a Leprechaun snowball fight at first…but the size of the hail continued to grow! At the end of our playground time, the hail was the size of lima beans! We had fun reading some leprechaun books and making our fingerprint four leaf clover invitations for our Leprechaun day next week. We also made some adorable rainbow teardrops for our Spring decorations for the classroom. Get your tricks ready for Leprechaun Day! We are excited to see them all!
Honeybees celebrated Carnevale on Monday, were so excited and inspired by alum Porter’s Ireland World Culture Report and had a fun week preparing for Leprechaun Day. We hope you have a chance to watch Porter’s report on the World Culture Report Page. You can actually see and hear our Honeybees get so excited about their own reports. It is very cute to hear the little ‘off topic’ conversation about Porter meeting the REAL Elsa from Frozen at Disneyland. :0) We talked about the ‘syllables’ in our names, learned about the starting letters of all of our classmates’ names, sang our ‘Continents’ poem while learning how to point to each continent as we sang about them, and finished our “Where do we live” booklet, drawing our planet Earth, with land and sea. Alum Ava was a big kid helper on Wednesday, and Harper presented her Animal report. We made some adorable springtime decorations for the classroom and we made our Leprechaun Day invitations. Get your tricks ready for Leprechaun Day! We are excited to see them all.
We hope you have a chance to step inside the classroom to see the abundance of spring décor in every area.
We had a great week and are looking forward to a fun Leprechaun Day celebration next week, hope you have a great weekend and keep on thinking of ideas for auction items and start planning how you will decorate your eggs for our Spring Egg Hunt in two weeks! What a busy season!
Gratitude Corner
Thank you so much to Giulia, Honeybee Ada’s mum, for helping us celebrate Carnevale! We were a few weeks late in doing so, but the children had so much fun wearing bright colors, throwing flower petals and having a fabulous parade!
We have Rumi’s mum, Mash, helping us celebrate Nowruz in a few weeks and invite anyone who has something that they would like to share to let us know! Musical instrument, cooking, science lesson, read a special book…We love to have the parental involvement! Thank you!
~ Office Notes~

Year End Tax Statements
Donations made to The Children’s Garden
We are so appreciative of everyone for giving and helping support The Children’s Garden. Year end tax statements for donations were sent out this week. Please call or email the office if you did not receive yours.
Tuition paid to The Children’s Garden
This year, Brightwheel will be providing a direct link to your year-end tax statement.
If you need your year-end payment summary now, visit our tax reports page for video tutorial and printable instructions.

Donate a service, experience or item.
Wow! We have some wonderful items coming in for our auction and the class basket ideas are amazing!
We Can’t Do It Without You!
Visit our Auction Donation page for ways to participate!
We appreciate the time and talent you give. Thank you for being part of our Garden community!

Spring Egg Hunt
Join us in welcoming Spring
Saturday, March 23
This traditional Garden event is open to all current and incoming students and their siblings. Different age groups will hunt for eggs in different areas of the school. Be sure sign up and contribute eggs for each egg hunting child in your group.
Visit our Spring Egg Hunt page for :
- What to bring
- Sign up your child
- Spring Egg Hunt Itinerary and Map

Please mark your calendar with these important dates.
March 11-28 Honeybee World Culture Reports
March 12: Ladybug Parent Teacher Conferences during class time (no school for Ladybugs)
March 14: Ladybug Leprechaun Day A You and Me day
March 14: Honeybee Leprechaun Day A You and Me day
March 15: Cricket Leprechaun Day A You and Me day
March 20: Cricket Parent Teacher Conferences during class time (no school for Crickets)
March 20. 5-7 pm: Movie Night at Teacher Donna’s open to Crickets and Honeybees
March 23: Spring Egg Hunt
Save the Date
April 26: Art Show
May 4: Auction Prom ~ Forever Young

Daily Class Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday 8:15 – 10:45 am
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:15 – 11:15 am
Monday-Thursday 12:15 – 3:15 pm
~ Poems~

School Poems
Part of our daily routine at The Garden is singing or saying a few of our traditional poems.
Find a printable version to our Closing Circle Song, and the poem “We Light This Candle” at the following links.