~ Bulletin Board ~
Events, opportunities and resources for our Garden community.

Grab Your Green Bag!
And drop off your donation in the office anytime March 27-31
Bag pick-up and drop-off as well as a list of Issaquah Food Bank requested items are in the office.
Visit our Community Cornucopia page for info.

Folk Music Singalong
Monday the 27th at 2:45 for Honeybees
We are thrilled to bring a Happy Time Sing-along to our Honeybee and Cricket class led by professional musician and alum parent Ali Marcus of Happy Time Studio.
Parents and siblings are welcome to join us for the last half hour of class on
March 27 from 2:45-3:15 for the Honeybee class and
April 5 from 10:45-11:15 for the Cricket class.
Ali will strum a few folk songs on her guitar giving us the words and some historical context about the artist and songs we sing.
What a fun and lovely way to come together in song and stories in this live music event.

From leisure suits to lamé, have you started planning your groovy threads for the auction event yet??
On April 29th we all are going to “Party like it’s 1977”, and that means you can get decked out in a super rad 70s style costume!
We will have a fun costume contest that night for those who really go all out and wow the crowd.
So dust off your old bell bottoms, your sequin disco dress or break out your high waisted floral jumpsuit get ready to Party Like It’s 1977!

~ Mousehole ~
News, pictures and videos from the classrooms.
It has been so nice catching up with all of you during our Parent Teacher Conferences. With our limited time in the classroom, we focused our energy celebrating the arrival of spring and our Spring Egg Hunt next weekend, April 1st!
Our Egg Hunt is just a week away! Sign up, Boil and color some eggs and join us for this annual rite of spring!
We had a very productive board meeting on Tuesday evening. A few of our current board members are leaving this year as their kiddos graduate and we are looking for some new trustees. Let us know if you are interested. We are also looking for someone who has some experience with numbers (don’t need to be an expert) to take on the treasurer position.
Read on for Class News:
We had fun painting our feet with Teacher Cara in preparation for our Spring Egg Hunt Décor! Maddy’s mum, Ali Lapinsky helped us out in the classroom on Thursday as Donna was not able to be here.
Thanks everyone for participating in our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. We so enjoyed chatting with you all and getting to conference about your wonderful little Ladybugs.
Our Spring Egg Hunt is just a week away. We hope to see you all there!
The Crickets read a fun story called “The Three Wishes” about a woodcutter and his wife who were granted three wishes by a fairy and ended up using them very carelessly. We had so much fun doing an art project about our own 3 wishes and giggled all week long about the story!
We celebrated the first day of spring on Monday and made spring flower crowns! What a beautiful day to usher in the new season!
Mira celebrated her 4th trip around the sun on Monday and we talked about how she is a magical name changer! Before she was born, it was Jen and Andy, but the minute she was born, she magically changed their names to Mommy and Daddy. Both of Mira’s Grandmas were present at the birthday circle along with Mom, Dad and Brother, Caleb. We are so happy that families can join us for birthday circles again!
Thanks everyone for participating in our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. We so enjoyed chatting with you all and getting to conference about your wonderful little Crickets!
Our Spring Egg Hunt is just a week away. We hope to see you all there!
We continued our World Culture Reports and visited Tanzania, India, The Netherlands, Ireland, and Greece this week! We also celebrated our good friend Nathaniel’s 5th birthday and his big sister and Garden alum, Caitlyn, joined us along with Nate’s mom and dad for his birthday circle.
Thanks everyone for participating in our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. We so enjoyed chatting with you all and getting to conference about your amazing Honeybees!
On Wednesday we had lots of visitors as our alum friends, Olive and Lachlan joined us for parts of the Honeybee class and our friend, Loni, who graduated last year, stopped by with her mum on Wednesday to pick up their mug. The sunny weather was so lovely and we seized the opportunity to take our alum friends up to Luna’s forest to see what it looks like this time of year.
With all of our fun goings on, we didn’t get to recite our poem “Like a Leaf or a Feather”, so we will carry that over through next week. We are just two weeks away from our alphabet party, when we celebrate the completion of every letter in the alphabet as our letter of the week. This past week, we looked at “X”. Eowyn is taking home the sound basket for the letter “Y”.
Our Spring Egg Hunt is just a week away. We hope to see you all there!
Hope you enjoy the weekend, Bees!
See you Monday.
~ Gratitude Corner ~
We love our community and are so grateful and humbled by the support and love you so generously give! Thank you!

Classroom Helpers
We have loved sharing class time with parents and alums this week!
When we need a substitute teacher, we reach out to staff to fill the need. When that isn’t an option, we’ve asked a parent if they can step in. We are so grateful to the parents and grandparents who joined our class as a substitute teacher.
Our staff and children LOVE sharing time with you and we are so thankful for the support! We appreciate everyone who has stepped in, often last minute, and volunteered their valuable time.
We’ve had a few parents sub the past couple of weeks and have heard from many of you that you would enjoy the opportunity to be in the class as a sub too. If this is you, let your room parent know if you’d like to be one of the parents on our call list.
Several alum students joined us for an alum helper day this week. It’s been amazing to see how these Gardeners have grown and we enjoy catching up with all the exciting things in their life. Seeing these kiddos again warms our hearts! If you have an alum student who would enjoy visiting The Garden please feel free to reach out and schedule a time for them to visit us during class.
~ From the Board~

The Garden Needs Your Help!
Here at the Children’s Garden we are so lucky to be a part of such a nurturing environment where our children are learning and growing every day, and our tireless teachers contribute their heart and souls. As parents and families of our students, we know that each one of you plays a vital part in weaving together the fabric of this community. We are pleased to be able to offer so many varied ways for you to join us in building these bonds together.
Today we want to announce that we are seeking a new Board Treasurer to join our Board of Directors’ leadership team in July of 2023. Every year, we have new board members join as others complete their service. This year, our dedicated Treasurer is moving on, and it is crucial that we find someone to fill this very important role for our community.
The key activities of the Treasurer include:
- Work with Brin and our bookkeeper every month (about mid-month) to produce monthly reports/analysis to the board;
- Lead the annual budgeting process between February and June;
- Provide insight and guidance to the Board throughout your term as we work through strategic assessments and decisions about program and policies.
The ideal Treasurer has bookkeeping and accounting experience, proficiency with accounting software and Excel, and is a detailed and accurate project manager. They can investigate and analyze specifics as well as link it to the bigger picture for the larger leadership team.
This is an open call to our community and we are very much looking forward to hearing from you and brainstorming or answering your questions.
Board service is so much more than the donation of your time and professional expertise; it’s an opportunity to connect and share in the Garden experience in a unique and special way. Our board terms are three years long, in order to provide as much stability and effectiveness for the program as possible.
If you are interested in joining the Board as Treasurer, or if you have any questions about the position, please do not hesitate to reach out by responding to this email or emailing our board President, Erika White, directly at helloerikawhite@gmail.com.
Thank you for your consideration of serving The Children’s Garden in this meaningful way.
~ Office Notes~

Honeybee World Culture Fair Thursday, March 30 at 3 pm
Mark your calendars Honeybee families and join us for a tour of the world as our Bees show their World Culture Report boards and answer questions.

Bring Your Eggs Next Week!
Thank you to everyone who signed up to join us at our
Spring Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 1 at 10 am
Remember to drop off one dozen hardboiled decorated eggs for each egg hunter you will be bringing on or before Friday, March 31 at 11:30 am.
~ Upcoming Events~
Please mark your calendar with these important dates.
Month at a glance
March 27 – 2:45 pm Join us for the Happy Time Studio Singalong for Honeybees during the last half hour of class.
March 27-31 – Community Cornucopia donation deadline. Please bring your bags to the office on or before March 31.
March 30 – Honeybee World Culture Fair
April 1 – All School Egg Hunt
April 5 – 10:45 am Join us for the Happy Time Studio Singalong for Crickets during the last half hour of class.
April 10-14 Spring Break
April 29 – Let’s Party Like it’s 1977! Children’s Garden School Auction4
Daily Class Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday 8:15 – 10:45 am
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:15 – 11:15 am
Monday-Thursday 12:15 – 3:15 pm
~ Quick Links~
Quick access to informative Garden pages.
Health and Wellness
What are the protocols for a stuffy nose?
Please view our Health and Wellness page for our health safety practices and protocols for the 2022-2023 school year.
Explore our Curriculum page for the foundational elements of our programming to see how we integrate social skills, literacy and math readiness, science, cultural enrichment, and the creative arts in an emergent, play-based environment in our unique natural setting.

Closure and Inclement Weather
With winter weather upon us, you can view our Closure and Inclement Weather page for policy information and pick up a hard copy from the bulletin board.
While we monitor conditions at the school, please note our families live across a broad geographical area and conditions in your neighborhood or on your route to/from school may differ from that at The Children’s Garden. If you are concerned that it is not safe for you or your child to be on the road, please do not hesitate to stay home.